
Week 2!

Hey everyone!

So sorry I haven't kept y'all updated over the past week...needless to say things have gotten much busier since work has started!

Orientation for McDonald's was on Monday and on Tuesday we started in the full swing of things. I have mostly been working at the front register and I really like it because I get to  interact with both customers and employees. We are beginning to get to know our employees and that is very exciting! One of our employees was even so sweet to invite us to her little son's birthday party yesterday!

I have to admit work has been much harder than I had thought it would be.  I have a deeper respect than ever before for  people who work "behind the counter" because it is hard work for sure!

Please be praying that the Lord would give everyone on project the opportunities this week to get to know our employees more and have conversations with them in which we are able to share with them the truth of the Gospel, that Jesus love them and died for them.

As for this past weekend, Friday night I went with a group to eat at a mexican restaurant downtown and then we just came back to the hotel and talked...one of my favorite things about the trip so far! Saturday we did outreach with an awesome ministry called "Without Walls." This organization brings church into neighborhoods and it was an awesome opportunity to partner with them. I was so blessed to talk to one of the older ladies in the neighborhood, Mrs. Martha. She was one of those people who loves the Lord so much and and is completely satisfied in Him that she can't help but to talk about Him in all of her conversations. She really encouraged me and reminded me of how we need Jesus in every aspect of our life. (I hope to share more about Mrs. Martha as we will be going back every other week!) Once we came back, I went with Mitch and Abby to the birthday party which was a lot of fun!

Every Saturday night we have a project social and last night was a tacky-skate party. It was so much fun to get to know people better as we goofed off and had a great time skating...I had forgotten how much fun it was despite a classic fall that has left me so sore today! After we got back, some of us changed and went downtown to the Mellow Mushroom for pizza...I hadn't ate there in a while and almost forgot how good it was! The best part of the night was when Lauren, Ashton, and I hopped on a bike taxi to take us just a few blocks to where we had parked. Charlie, Kevin, and Patrick had no clue where we had gone, so the look on their faces were priceless were places when we passed by them on the side walk waving and laughing as hard as we could!

This morning we went to a wonderful church service on the book of Psalms at Redeemer Presbyterian Church. Please be in prayer for them as the church is most likely to be torn down to build an apartment complex in its place.  I was so amazed by this church body's trust in God that if they aren't able to keep the church, the Lord will provide them somewhere else to worship since a church is not defined by its building.

Sunday afternoon is one of my favorite times of the week and I was so excited to spend it relaxing at Meme and Dede's and then cooking with some friends after. Once we got back we had prayer and praise....a great way to kick off the week ahead!

I would like to ask you to specifically pray for the girl I met on the beach last week, Beka. She was not able to come to our Thursday night Cru Worship service this week, but I am praying that she will be able to make it this Thursday.  Even if she can't come, please be praying the Lord would tug at her heart because I know she is going through a lot of hurt and really needs the Lord to fill that hole in her heart.  Also please continue to pray for our co-workers and that we would be so eager to tell them about Jesus and what he has done for us!

Y'all have a wonderful week...miss and love you!

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