
We need your help!

After the events of the wreck that happened on Monday, my mom's cousin, Paige, had the wonderful idea of starting a Facebook group to try to rally up some support in hopes that action would be taken to improve the horrible intersection where the wreck took place.  Thousands of middle school and high school students pass through the intersection of  Harnett Central Rd and 210 everyday. Unfortunately, the intersection is notorious for being the location of many serious accidents over the years. While accidents like the one on Monday continue to take place, there is not a cop or stoplight to safely direct students and their parents across in the afternoon. I have heard that the county said until there is four deaths, they will not put a stop-light up. While I have not heard this from the direct source, I would like to urge you to join the facebook group and offer any helpful suggestions you may have! Having spent seven years of my life either riding or driving through this crazy intersection every day, almost seeing dozens of reckons happen here, and then witnessing one there the other day, it is my prayer that something can be done for the safety of fellow Harnett Central students! This is not meant to put anyone down for what has not been done in the past but to hopefully promote action as soon as possible to prevent future accidents!

Click here to join the Facebook group SAVE Harnett Central Kids! We need your help. Thanks!


God is good...that's all I know to say.

All my life I have heard people say things like "maybe you were late because God was protecting you from that accident." While I have never doubted God is so sovereign and merciful to do such a thing, I feel like I truly experienced such grace today.

Mama had asked me to pick Kateleigh up from school this afternoon and said I should leave the house at 2:30 to be on time.  I remember thinking I wanted to be right on time so I made my way out of the house right at 2:30 only to realize I needed to check on the ducks outside. They seemed to be doing just fine but the cover had blown off the top of their little pen and I remember being frustrated that it was taking me longer than I had hoped to get it back on because I was afraid I would be late.  I left the house just a minute or two later than I had hoped, but didn't think too much of it.

As I approached the intersection near the middle school that I crossed many a times during my high school days, I looked up and saw something I couldn't have prepared for.  A couple of hundred feet in front of me, two cars collided in which one of the cars went a little air born and flipped a couple of times onto its side. It shook me up pretty badly so I immediately pulled of of the road  and then called 911. I don't remember much of what I said, but from what my eyes had just seen, I was for certain that those who were involved had to have been seriously hurt or worse. I was speechless.  I knew that I had to cross the intersection to pick Kateleigh up from school, so I eased back onto the road and saw that it looked those who were involved had made it out. I felt so guilty that I did not have the courage to get out of the car and offer to help the victims like some passerbys had done but decided to pray for them as I crossed the intersection and waited in the carpool line for my sister.

My main concern, of course, was if those who were involved were okay. From what I saw and what I have heard, they suffered some injuries but are excepted to be okay as far as I know. My heart and prayers go out to these people and I am so so sorry they had to go through such a scary thing. I can't imagine how frightening something like that must be and I am so thankful that from what I have heard, they are going to be okay. To God be the Glory for his protection. There is no doubt that this accident gave me a clearer picture of how fragile life can be.

 Once I was in the carpool line, I immediately called my Mama to tell her what had happened.  As I described to her the events, I realized that there was nothing in between myself and the car that had come across the road beside the stop sign I was about to approach besides a couple hundred feet, a couple of seconds, a sovereign heavenly father who was looking after me. Had I not checked on the ducks or even left the slightest bit earlier, it is possible I would have been hit by the accident. I will never forget the overwhelming rush of protection I felt in that moment. Just like I mentioned earlier, I had heard all my life that God allows us to be late or throws our plans off -track sometime to protect us, but never had I experienced it in such a way until today's events. It was a true reminder to me (that I desperately needed) that God controls and plans-out every single moment in our lives.

God used today to really wake me up to some things. I feel like I have lived for my own desires for so  long and He has really been trying to show me lately that the only fulfilling life will be one that is lived in service and love to Him.  Because today's incident reminded me how fragile life can be, I am even more encouraged to spend that fragile time on something far greater than my own self an own selfish desires.


Coconut "Mousie"

As much fun as I had with Papa and Granny-Bird, I am so glad I didn't miss out on our trip to the outlets today! Apparently our house phone is messed up so they almost couldn't get up with me to ask me if I wanted to go...thank goodness for cell phones. :)

We ate lunch at little deli in Smithfield called Gondolfo's. (sp??) I was super excited to eat here with Papa because Granny-Bird always jokes with me about this one time that they ate there and Papa ordered  the Coconut Mousse but instead called it the "Coconut Mousie" when he ordered it! haha.  ha. Of course when we got done with our subs we had to order a "mousie" but this time Papa told me I had order the "mousies." This time we got a chocolate "mousie" but I was so used to calling it a "mousie" instead of mousse that I almost said it myself! Not only is this a joke between Granny-Bird and I but my friends and I as well!

After lunch we of course had to go to the outlets! This seriously called for a lot of self-control because after cleaning my closet out this week, I have realized more than ever, I have way more than I should want or need. As I went through my entire closet and filled up over 10 black trash bags I got to thinking about how 1) I haven't ever worn half of this stuff and 2) I can't take it to heaven with me so I need to be much more cautious with how I spend my money and invest in in something more worth while.  God must really be trying to this point across to me because the Summit (church I go to when I'm at school) sermon I listened to from this past Sunday as I was getting ready this morning talked about how eternity is what our eyes should be fixed upon. Here is the link for the podcast if you would like to check it out! Click Here :)

Anyways... so I did end up buying a sticker and license plate for my car but when I saw all of the gorgeous pocket books, shoes, and clothes I reallly wanted, but reallly didn't need, I tried to remind myself of that neat and organized closet I had back home and that buying a new pair of shoes would not be as fulfilling as it seemed at the moment!

But anyways, (sorry for the tangent!)  I had such a good time spending time with my sweet grandparents today! No matter what we are doing whether it is eating a coconut "mousie", shopping at the outlets, or just driving down the rode, there is sure to be a laugh or two..or three!

P.S.- Since they just announced the American Idol results I have to give a little shout-out to Scotty! It makes my heart so happy to know such a fine Christian young man is in the American spotlight. Just hearing him speaking about God's goodness in his life gives me the faith that he is going to be an influence on Hollywood rather than Hollywood being an influence on him!


Summer so far...(to be continued!)

It has been far too long since my last post! Once exams started, I had to put this to the side and really meant to get back on once I got home for the summer. For some reason I just haven't. I never realized how writing down a couple of thoughts about my day could really clear my mind but it really does and I have missed writing!

So I guess I have been home for about two weeks now...wow, so hard to believe! It has been great so far. My favorite things so far have been celebrating Papa's birthday and Mother's Day with my family, babysitting some great kids, going to the beach with my two best friends, shopping with mama, spending a day at the General Assembly with Daddy, going to the gym with my sister, taking my little cousin Carson on a date, and cleaning out my closet!

Since the beach is freshest on my mind, I want to tell you about my wonderful weekend!

I had such a great time at the beach this weekend with Jocelyn and Olivia.  The trip worked out perfectly because Olivia was already at Emerald Isle so she just met up with us! After making a quick run to the grocery store for some beach certified junk food (for ei: iced animal crackers, goldfish, and chocolate chip cookies) on Saturday morning we fixed our little SAND-wiches and made our way over to the beach where we just caught up and relaxed for the afternoon. After deciding we would head over to Beaufort for dinner, we got in my Daddy's truck (him and Joc's dad had come down there to go fishing so trucks were our only vehicle options) and started backing down the Naylor's steep steep drive way that I may have had a hard time backing down...just maybe. I'll let you decide.
 Haha anyways, after a couple of "technical difficulties" we made it to Beaufort where we saw two weddings taking place. So beautiful! Unfortunately parking was scarce so I was forced to parallel park (for real, not the kind where there is an open spot in front and behind  you like I usually do) on my dad's truck. Phew, thankfully I had my great supportive friends to encourage me and "talk me in to" the parking spot.

That parallel parking was so worth it because I had one of the best dinners I have ever had with the best company! Olivia, Joc and I ate right on the water at the Spouter Inn! This was the second time I had been there and I do believe everything on their menu is delicious! Even though it was a little windy, it was so much fun to get to share a great meal with two of the most beautiful girls in the world. (inside and out!) Even though we all went to separate colleges, I sat there thinking how thankful and blessed I was that we have stayed so close and that it seems as if we were never apart!  If anything, I believe being apart has made us closer and I am just so thankful for that! But anyways, here we are  the Spouter Inn. (If you are ever in Beaufort and have never been, you have got to go!)

After sleeping in a little on Sunday, we headed right back out on the beach! The sun was shining even brighter than it had the day before and we once again spent the afternoon catching up, laughing, and of course eating goldfish. :) Our Dad's had gone back home that afternoon so we had another truck to drive that night! This time it was even better because Mr. Jeffrey's truck has camo seats. :) We decided to head over to Morehead that night and ate at the Rudy Duck! This is a.k.a. the Routy Spouty because we kept getting the name confused with where we had ate the night before (The Spouter Inn) After dinner we came back  to the beach house and made some cheesecake brownies! Goodness gracious, these things were so good! So good that they made me sleepy and I fell right asleep as we were watching "Extreme Cuponing." I was very bummed about this because it was my first time watching and I was amazed that someone could end up paying $40 for a $1200 grocery bill!

Monday was a very very sad day because we had to come home! As much as we didn't want to leave, the car ride (or should I say truck ride) home was the perfect ending to a wonderful weekend and perfect beginning to a summer just as wonderful! I am so thankful for two best friends who I am so blessed to have such great times with! On our next trip we will be going to a strawberry patch so I will let you know how that goes. :)

Shout out to our camouflage seat covers and the duck we found with our luggage!