
Charleston Summer Project

Hey family and friends!

Hope everyone is doing well! I am currently preparing to spend the summer in Charleston on a 10-week mission trip with Campus Crusade. I am currently raising support for the trip and if you are interested in learning about what I will be doing, I have attached a portion of my support letter below. Thanks for reading! 

Over the past couple of months, God has been showing me how selfish I have become with my own ambitions and life goals. Too often I put myself first and forget that my main purpose of existence is to make the name of Christ known to other people.  Frankly, I do not understand just how much Christ loved me to die for my sins when He himself was sinless.  As I get just a small glimpse of how great this love is, I am more eager than ever to share it with others and grow deeper in the understanding of His love.

This summer I will have the privilege and blessing of doing both of these in Charleston, South Carolina through a campus ministry known as Campus Crusade for Christ.  Campus Crusade for Christ (http://campuscrusadeforchrist.com/) is a Christian ministry that has been caring for college students since 1951. The group is very active here and at other colleges all around the world.  Campus Crusade is one of the many facets of my life the Lord has used to draw me closer to Him and burden my heart for the unsaved.

During a 10-week summer mission project, (May 29th, 2012 to August 7th, 2012), I will be joining alongside approximately 50 other college students from across the country as we reach out to different members of the Charleston community.  A major portion of our outreach will involve working at a fast-food restaurant like McDonalds where we hope to build relationships with our co-workers and share the love of Christ.  We will also partner with local churches to help serve and minister to the less fortunate in the community.  At the same time, I will be in a small group Bible study and discipleship ministry.  Through all of these experiences, I want to fall more in love with Jesus so that I become more burdened to share that same love with others.  While I am nervous having never done anything like this in my life, I am also very excited.   As I applied for this project and prayed for God to show me whether or not I was to go, He opened up the doors for me to be a part of this trip in a matter of two weeks!

If you feel led to donate to this mission project, all gifts are tax-deductible and checks can be made out to Campus Crusade for Christ. Gifts cane be mailed to my address or made through this safe website when you click here.  More than anything, I would appreciate your prayers for those of us on this project and those we will be interacting with!

Thank you so much for your support throughout the years and the time you took to read this letter.
If you have any further questions about Summer Project, feel free to contact me by phone or email!

In Christ,
Kerry :)