
It's sunny in Charleston!

Hope all of y'all have had a wonderful Wednesday and the weather has been nice back home!

After it rained all night here in Charleston, we woke up to lots of puddles but blue skies and sunshine. One of my roommates, Caroline, and I got up at seven this morning to check out the gym for the first time. (we'll see how long that lasts!) We then got ready and headed to our 9:30 meeting which consisted of some more orientation things...we also found out who we would be working with and which McDonald's we will be working at. Some of our job orientations were supposed to be tomorrow but the corporate office had to switch it to Monday. I am excited to find out I will be working with two other students on project, Abby and Mitch! 

After our meeting, my roommates and I went to the grocery store and grabbed a quick lunch downtown.  When we came back, each Bible study was  given a list of things to photograph on a photo scavenger hunt so we could get to know each other and Charleston better. It was so much fun getting to walk along the battery and waterfront park and explore Charleston with these girls. Needless to save we did LOTS of walking and bonding. :) While we didn't get the most points and win the scavenger hunt, we had a great time! 

 Beautiful day to be at Waterfront Park!

After grabbing dinner in the room, we had a time of worship with everyone and a couple more orientation type meetings. Tonight we had the opportunity to meet with our Bible study and share some of our life experiences and talk about the things God has shown us and how He has worked in our lives over the years. It was so neat getting to hear the different stories of God's love in all of our lives and how He has brought each one of us here! 

It was great getting to meet even more people today. I am so excited to grow closer to one another as we grow closer to the Lord...I am thankful for a free day tomorrow but can't wait to get in the routine of things starting Monday!

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