
so what's all this about? well...This changes everything.

On August 2nd, Matt Papa will release his new album, "This Changes Everything." While you may be wondering what "this" is, you are sure to find out by the first track.

Because Matt and his band desire to reach others for Christ above anything else, the CD revolves around nothing less than the selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love of Jesus Christ. The unbelievable reality that Jesus Christ, who had never sinned, would die out of love for my sins and your sins can be found throughout the entirety of the album. Whether you have been a Christian for fifty years or don't know anything about Jesus Christ, this is a message of hope, joy, and purpose...don't miss it. Furthermore, this reality should change everything about our lives. Not just who our friends are, how we spend our time, or what we do with our lives but everything.

The opening tract, "Our Sovereign God"reflects upon God's power and rule above all things.  My personal favorite, "One Thing," is a reminder that Jesus is the only "one thing worth everything" and that a life sought after Him is more fulfilling than anything. Released as a single a few months ago, "It is Finished" is a beautiful portrait of the love and mercy that flows from Jesus' blood on the cross. "What Are We Waiting For" was a much needed reminder for myself that while I may worry about God's will for my life, His ultimate will is that I go and tell others about him. "O Fount Of Love" is a beautiful hymn that exposes the adoption process a believer goes through when he or she is transformed from a slave of sin into a son or daughter of God. While these are just a few of the tracks found on the album, all of the songs remind me of how un-fulfilling the ways of the world are and how sufficient and fulfilling Jesus is! I pray this changes everything about me.

Even if you aren't usually into "Christian music," I encourage you to check out  "This Changes Everything." Whether you buy one song or the entire album, you may experience a sense of hope, joy, and purpose you have never experienced before.

So...log onto itunes on August 2nd to purchase your copy of "This Changes Everything" or check out mattpapa.com right now to pre order and receive some exclusive and exciting offers! I am making you one of the only promises I can't make in life...you won't be disappointed because This (Jesus Christ) changes everything.

If you still have questions, listen to Matt talk about the heart behind "This Changes Everything." Cool hair, huh?

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